Construction Business Onsite Connectivity: What You Need

Construction Business Onsite Connectivity

By now you know that miscommunication – or complete lack of communication – is expensive in the construction business. Time truly is money in our industry, and if you’re spending too much time feeling disconnected from here-and-now on project jobsites, you’re not alone.

Real-Time Construction Business Tools

Real-time connectivity connects the reality of work-in-progress to the office. Yes, we’re talking about software. Again. But the difference between on-time and within-budget vs. rework and delays can be staggering sums of money. If software can make a difference (and it can), it’s worth a shot.

Jobsite connectivity software should include:

  • 3D building models
    • Optimize machine operation
    • Tracking productivity
    • Delivering as-built documentation
  • Data preparation for construction takeoff
  • Design changeability
  • Estimating earthwork/material quantities for bids
  • Remote jobsite monitoring/real-time progress-to-plan
  • Tracking – work completed/remaining

4 Benefits of Real-Time Connectivity

In addition to saving time, saving money, and losing that frustrating feeling that you’re spinning your wheels, connecting your solutions can include:

  1. Better construction business efficiency
  2. Enhanced jobsite visibility for managers, supervisors, and stakeholders
  3. On-time project delivery/fewer delays
  4. Real-time, onsite productivity information, field-to-office

Outcomes Should Justify Their Trust and Your Power

Technology connects us…unites us…amplifies our power. -Vivienne Harr

Your clients have entrusted you with their projects. Your construction business has the power to maximize profit potentials with the right software technology. Software for a “connected jobsite” should seamlessly integrate workflows while giving you the confidence you’re studying up-to-date information and visualizing real-time designs and models.

If a construction business software investment can maximize productivity and minimize your concerns, it’s worth it. Construction Monitor endorses all software that has the power to improve construction business quality and increase profits. Our company knows the presorted and customized data analytics we provide can win bids and generate leads for your construction business.

Ask us how.

*Construction Monitor does not recommend nor endorse any brand of construction business software (except our own).

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