Can Guestblogging Really Help Grow Your Business?

guestbloggingGiven the time and effort involved in guestblogging, it’s natural to wonder if all that work is going to pay off in new construction clients. While it does take some research and networking, if you choose the right topics and blogs to work with, guestblogging can bring results.

Connect with Your Ideal Clients

Especially for B2B service providers, guestblogging offers a way to reach new niche audiences of active buyers. The key to reaching the most profitable audiences for you is careful selection.

Seek out blogs that attract your target audience, but aren’t run by your direct competitors. If you specialize in building retail stores, that might mean blogs that forcus on retail marketing or small business management, or on an even narrower niche such as fashion retail. If you’re looking for home renovation clients, you might work with blogs written by materials suppliers and tradespeople such as electricians and carpenters.

Look for signs of an engaged readership, too. If the blog’s regular posts attract comments and social media shares, your guest post is also likely to get attention. When you find an appropriate blog, pitch them your idea before you write the whole post.

Attract Clients by Offering Value

A guest post shouldn’t read like an advertisement. Instead of promoting or even mentioning your services, provide genuinely valuable information that helps your target clients meet their goals. If you’re trying to attract retail store clients, you might write about the top five building features that help stores sell more. Your bio at the end will tell readers how you can help them get these features in their stores.

Before you choose your topic, spend some time browsing the blog to see what the audience responds to best. For example, do they prefer posts with lots of technical detail or ones that tell interesting stories? You don’t want to rehash common topics, but you also don’t want anything wildly different from what the audience is used to.

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