5 Blogging Inspiration Ideas

blog ideasNo matter how enthusiastically you started your construction blog, chances are after a few months you’ll find it harder to come up with fresh blogging ideas. When you need inspiration, here are a few ways to find it.

  1. Check out your competition – Browsing your competitors’ blogs and websites is one of the quickest ways to get ideas. While you might not want to cover the exact same topics, seeing what others in your field are writing about can spark ideas. Even if you do, your take on each topic will be unique to you. The blogs of your partners, such as materials suppliers and subcontractors, can also provide inspiration.
  2. Search social media – The questions your target clients ask on social media are a rich source of blogging ideas. To find them, search your favorite platforms by hashtag and keyword. Pay attention to the “trending” sections of your social media accounts, too. These are often tailored towards your interests.
  3. Review the trends – Services such as Google Trends and BuzzSumo can help you zero in on what people are talking about online. Most topics won’t be directly connected to the construction market, but with a little creativity, you might find an angle that to relates your audience’s needs.
  4. Ask your audience – If you have an email list, send out an email asking your readers to name the one topic they’d most like to read more about. On your website, run a poll listing five or six topics to vote on. When you have a few minutes to talk with a client, ask if there’s anything they’ve been wanting to learn more about.
  5. Mine your workday – Stay alert for inspiration in the things you encounter throughout your day. It could come from a product sample you received, a comment from a colleague or even a concern you’re having about an on-going project. Use a notebook or phone app to jot down any blog post ideas you have to create an idea bank to draw from later.


3 thoughts on “5 Blogging Inspiration Ideas”

  1. Pingback: 4 Ways To Reuse Existing Content To Generate Leads – Construction Monitor

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